- Respect the decisions of coaches.
- Encourage your player to communicate directly with coaches.
- Familiarize yourself with Academy policies and resources.
- Represent the values and mission of the Academy at all times
- Respond in a prompt and timely manner to communications from coaches, team managers, and other Academy officials.
- Familiarize yourself with Attendance Policies and inform coaches and team managers promptly if your player will be missing a training session or game.
- Respond promptly to all Academy communications that request a reply.
- Communicate with team managers and coaches whenever issues or concerns arise
Managing Player Safety
- Inform coaches of any injury, ailment, or physical disability that may affect the safety of your child or the safety of others.
- FIFA law requires clubs to educate parents and players, and to follow strict guidelines in responding to potential concussion events. Please take this education seriously and support all of our efforts to reduce the incidence of concussions, respond appropriately, and manage the safe return to play of our players.
Training Day
- Help your players arrive on time and prioritize having them attend all training sessions.
- You may attend training to watch, so long as players are unaware or minimally aware of your presence.
Game Day
- Help your players arrive on time and prioritize having them attend all games.
- Do not instruct or aid in coaching. As a general rule, avoid verbs when shouting.
- Applaud good play. Be quick to support and encourage when players make mistakes.
- Keep content and tone of voice positive.
- After the game do not critique, suggest ways to improve, imply a lack of effort or quality in team or individual play, or sum up your interpretation of the result. Players need to provide their own thoughts on these subjects when and how they choose.
- Treat all opposing players, coaches, officials, and parents with respect. Help create a safe, positive, and sportsmanlike atmosphere for the participants on both sides.